45 Grave

I am 45 grave

No reason 45 grave

Who does 45 grave

What is 45 grave

What is in my mind

45 grave in outer space

Demon at a slow pace

What is in my mind

Dying time is behind

45 grave is outer space

Demon at a slow pace

What is in my mind

Dying time is behind

45 grave is out

Devil's evil has been viewed

As gamma rays from the moon

Devil's evil had been viewed

To be the knowledge of 45 grave

Shriek alarm plays face

45 grave floating in fire

Hit things for hire

Shriek alarm plays face

Anti-no-non in straight lace

45 grave floating in fire

Hit things for hire

Shriek alarm plays face

Anti-no-non in straight lace

45 grave floats

Oh, oh no they're coming, oh no

Oh, oh no they're here, oh no