Return Of The Repressed

Shadows of yesterday

Ar just a phantom now

A brief encounter, you claim

But here to stay, but here to stay

Return of the repressed

So horribly dressed

She shows up black-eyed

Return of the repressed

Her hair a mess

Darkness from inside

Return to the distressed

So here begins a chain reaction

With tumbling walls

So close in, what have you done

To make the sky fall

To make the sky fall?

Fat-lipped, black-eyed, a dirty secret,

You'll have to keep it

Shadows of yesterday

A brief encounter, you claim

So here begins a chain reaction

So close in, what have you done?

Cold, dirty

When the bell tolls for the buried and burned

And bares its teeth from a crimson mouth

Out pours a little secret, home to the haunted

Like a dirty jezebel... who knows how to flaunt it

Return to the distressed

Return of the repressed

Other 69 Chambers songs