My Therapy

This is my therapy

You breath life into me

My only sanity

Within these walls is where I'm free

Square peg, round hole

Faces come and faces go

There is so little cast in stone

Regarding life, luck, loss, love

But there is one thing that I know for sure

These are the only crowded rooms

Because of these days I'll never have nothing at all

Because of these times there's only so far I can tell

There will always be a place, there will be a crowded room

Where I'm not all alone

The years have come and multiplied

So much of me has been washed out with the tide

Still there's nowhere else

That I'd rather be

Drawn like a moth to a flame

Without these days I'd have gone insane

So many hearts pinned to so many sleaves

Within these blessed walls

You have set me free

There is no mistake that I'm not free to make

All because of six strings stretched across a board