
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of Earth and all native intelligences

of the forty planets, satellites, moons, stars,

and any other inhabited orbs

with contestants entered in the annual Grande Trex,

the only inter-galactic race.

This year's event promises excitement to surpass all previous races.

As many of you fans already know the route or track of the orbits, glides, etc.

has been increased by 5,000 million kilometers

thus enabling Grande Trex to include the B'Arc System,

in our present event and for all succeeding GT races.

Dragonfly Dragonfly


Strike and fight

Laser light shot tonight

Target nullified

Gyro subdivide

Latitude longitude


Solid substitute

What's a drag race? Can't you see those dragons

Speeding up the street

But I learned they weren't real

Figments of the ancient fear

Rapid scan radians

For the chance

To win the Grande

Maneuvers preprogramme


Won't operate

Negative bearing swell

Dragons fly they symbolize in myth and saga breathing fire

Look up there's one flying higher

Faster than the SCC

Is science hiding witchery?

Grande Trex fans throughout the universe are well informed

on the risks pilots take in entering this race, i.e.

re-entry into some of the alien atmospheres is tricky business

which can cause a craft to implode, explode, melt,

lose automatic structure, etc., while en route.

The craft are scheduled to surface launch 0700.5100

Greenwich time and are assembled on one of our very own stars,

Neutron Einstar EV 9.

The excitement is at a fevered pitch as the countdown approaches zero.

These hypersonic inertial transition ships

can calculate the negligible quantity of spherical differential for tight orbit,

are sonar-radar balanced and translate windage occurrence,

offset verniers, retrieve, execute prepare,

delay code and report astrogational error in a micro-second.

Naturally these specialized craft are equipped with apparatus capable

of highly sensitive maneuverability.

They can dive, sweep, run random parallel paths,

alternate axes, circumnavigate for rapid survey, spin,

count milibaricly while simultaneously displaying an accurate diagram grid

for safety measures, not to mention the quanta limitation fixtures for sea level,

ground level, level off, and hover bearings.

We have retained as an added feature to stimulate more thrills,

the computer over-ride for a three and one half hours to two gens during

which pilots and co-pilots manually control free-fall, latitude,

longitude, protact gravity, revise dimensional equations,

run programme checks, submerge in the wild oceans of Jonrin 22,

to photograph as much territory as they can in addition

to the requisite three thousand automatic shots.

The postulate for mischance runs high but not as high as the tension

and competitive spirit right here on Earth and all over

the 4 galaxies represented in this Seventh Grande Trex.

Dragonfly rations glide

In free fall slide

System nullify

Satellite dragonfly

Surface launch

Radio silence

Hover high level off

The time space tactics saved us then

Display report present, urgent

Sequence counting surface launch

Dragonfly destroying all

Science claiming newest findings

Chanting calling flying dragons

Aboard all systems optimum

Nova scheduled war continued

Half the continental shelf burned by interval


Dragonfly Dragonfly

Beacons aim

Space game

Satellite computerized

Mighty flight

Hypersonic glide

The countdown is minus two hundred (-200)

and I am turning you over to the control room

at command central Sia Lan for the launch.

Good luck to all the racers and especially to our ship Dragonfly;

onward to victory.

(Remember comdirect and radio silence will temporarily be in effect.)

Win the race calibrate

Re-entry place

Multi fail safe