
Inhaling the stench of burning infants

Ashy remains filling our lungs

We’ve come to destroy


On cold dead nights


When the stars align

Hearing the cry of defiled mothers

Forcing them to eat their own young

We’ve come to destroy


Behold new ways to kill

Fiendish lust

Succumb to its will

Within your dreams I whisper

Nightmares gorged in red

Insanity encroaches

Of life I’ll be fed

The ancient one awaits


Scourge the land with crushing might

All fear the Shadowblight


From the depths we hear its call

The meek will surely fall

We’ve come to destroy

Within your dreams I whisper

Nightmares gorged in red

Insanity encroaches

Of life I’ll be fed

Now drink their blood

Tasting the flesh from rotten corpses

Gnawing at limbs reeking of death

We’ve come to destroy

The ancient one awaits


Scourge the land with crushing might

All fear the the fall of time


From the depths we hear its call

The meek will surely fall